I feel terrible! I've seriously been neglecting my blog. I've been working more hours lately, I'm getting over a cold, school's started, and I was so busy sewing my costume for an anime convection until a few weeks ago. But this is gonna change! Not to mention, just until a few days ago my compter has been down so I wasn't able to find the pictures I took.
Last months daring bakers challenge was Lavash Crackers. I didn't have the time or ingredients to make a dip, sojust salted crackers is what I made.
These crackers were delicious! I can't wait to make them again.
I'm sorry I haven't commented on anyone elses blogs!! This will change, I promise!
You are not the only one! You beat me to the crackers. Good job getting them done and posted.
You've been tagged!
You can use a hand-cranked (or electric) pasta machine to roll out crackers. MUCH easier than a rolling pin. They look like this:http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=atlas+pasta+maker&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=3370007127&ref=pd_sl_628yp3the_b
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